Bitlocker Key Recovery Problem and Why It is a Stupid Idea
This night I tried to boot Linux Ubuntu from my usb hence I changed my security boot setting to "unlocked". Later on, I restarted my laptop and hoped that my laptop would be booted into Ubuntu. But WTF, suddenly blue screen notification appeared showing information about BITLOCKER KEY RECOVERY. My surface laptop forced me to input a 45 digit password which I don't remember ever create it. Holycrap! I tried to google it but first I followed a piece of information that Microsoft put on the blue screen about the BitLocker. I opened a page on the Microsoft website explaining about it and how to get the key from our Microsoft account. Later on, I tried to sign in to my Microsoft account, and became more panicked after my sign-in password did not work. After resetting my account, I managed to get into my hotmail account. Under the profile menu, I found several devices related to my Microsoft account. Soon I clicked on one of them that I am sure is my Surface laptop ID. After c...